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Antonio Lucio Vivaldi Canvas Portrait w Gold Frame


Looking for wall decorative paintings or antique-looking portraits? Check out our range of music composer portraits, each carefully framed and sealed to make the process of hanging these portraits on the wall much easier. Print perfect for classrooms and music studios, living rooms, study rooms, or anywhere in the house that needs a beautiful decor! 

Quality print portrait on Canvas, of one of the most well-known Italian Baroque composer and violinist, Antonio Lucio Vivaldi.

Interesting fact 1 : Despite the fact Vivaldi wrote around 800 different works, his music was rarely played from his death in 1741, when his compositions were locked away or even attributed to other composers because he was deemed to be out of favour.

Interesting fact 2 : J.S. Bach was a huge fan of Vivaldi’s music. He transcribed several of Vivaldi’s concerti for keyboard, strings, organ and harpsichord.

Item Details

  • 48cm x 38cm.
  • Includes a Gold frame and glass cover to prevent dust accumulation on the portraits.