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Claude Debussy Canvas Portrait w Gold Frame


Looking for wall decorative paintings or antique-looking portraits? Check out our range of music composer portraits, each carefully framed and sealed to make the process of hanging these portraits on the wall much easier. Print perfect for classrooms and music studios, living rooms, study rooms, or anywhere in the house that needs a beautiful decor! 

Quality print portrait on Canvas, of French Impressionist composer Claude Debussy.

Interesting fact 1 : The Suite bergamasque is Debussy’s most famous piano pieces and Claire de lune, being the third movement, is now most well-known around the world - widely used in movies, social events and in the piano classes.

Interesting fact 2 : Debussy's compositional output is most of the time referred to as being Impressionist, aurally "a wash of colour" very similar to the concepts applied to the Impressionist paintings

Item Details

  • 48cm x 38cm.
  • Includes a Gold frame and glass cover to prevent dust accumulation on the portraits.